Criterion 1: Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives

1.1. State the Visions and Mission of the department and institution.
A. Availability of the Vision & Mission statements of the Department 
B. Appropriateness/Relevance of the Statements.
C. Consistency of the Department statements with the Institute statements 

1.2. State   the   Program   Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Listing of the Program Educational Objectives (3 to 5) of the program under consideration (Availability & appropriateness of the PEOs statements)

1.3.  Indicate where and how the Vision, Mission and PEOs are published and disseminated among stakeholders.
A. Adequacy in respect of publication & dissemination.
B. Process of dissemination among stakeholders.
C. Extent of awareness of Vision, Mission & PEOs among the stakeholders.

1.4.  State the process for defining the Vision   and   Mission of the Department, and   PEOs   of   the Program.
A. Description of process of defining Vision & Mission of the Department.
B. Description of process involved in defining the PEOs of the program.

1.5. Establish consistency of PEOs with Mission of the Department
A. Preparation of a matrix of PEOs and elements of Mission statement
B. Consistency/justification of co-relation parameters of the above matrix

Total 50 marks for criterion 1

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