3.1. Establish the correlation
between the courses and the POs & PSOs
3.1.1. Course Outcomes
Evidence of COs being defined for every course. (Appropriateness of the statements shall be seen for at
least two courses each from 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of study)
3.1.2. CO-PO & CO-PSOs matrices of courses
selected in 3.1.1 (six matrices)
Explanation of table to be ascertained. (Mapping to be verified)
3.1.3. Program level
Course-PO/PSOs matrix of ALL courses including first year courses.
Explanation of tables to be ascertained. (Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes getting
mapped with the majority of the courses to be verified)
3.2. Attainment of Course
3.2.1. Describe the
assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of
course Outcome is based.
A. List of assessment processes.
B. The quality /relevance of assessment processes &
tools used.
(A. & B. Evidence for appropriate assessment
processes including data collection, verification, analysis, decision making)
3.2.2. Record the
attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with respect to set attainment
A. Verify the attainment levels as per the benchmark set
for all courses. (Methodology
to define set levels and its compliance; data collection, verification,
analysis and decision making; details for two courses per year of studies are
to be verified randomly)
3.3. Attainment of Program
Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes.
3.3.1. Describe assessment
tools and processes used for assessing the attainment of each of the POs &
A. List of assessment tools
& processes.
B. The quality/relevance of
assessment tools/processes used.
3.3.2. Provide results
of evaluation of each POs & PSOs.
A. Verification of documents,
results and level of attainment of each POs/PSOs.
B. Overall levels of
(details for POs & PSOs attainment from
core courses to be verified. Also at least four POs & two PSOs attainment
levels shall be verified)
Total 100 marks for criterion 3