Security issues in CSA

Top seven security issues in cloud computing environment as discovered by “Cloud Security Alliance” CSA are:

Misuse and reprehensible use of Cloud Computing.

  Insecure API.

  Wicked Insiders.

  Shared Technology issues /multi-tenancy nature.

  Data Crash.

  Account, Service & Traffic Hijacking.

  Unidentified risk report.

5.1 Misuse and reprehensible Use of Cloud Computing

Hackers, spammers and other criminals take advantage of the suitable registration, simple Procedures and comparatively unspecified access to cloud services to launch various attacks such as key cracking, passwordetc.

 5.2 Insecure Application Programming Interfaces (API)

Customers handle and interact with cloud services through API’s. Providers must ensure that security is integrated into their service models, while users must be aware of security risks.

 5.3 Wicked Insiders

Malicious insiders create a huge threat in cloud computing environment, since consumers do not have a clear sight of provider policies and procedures. Malicious insiders can gain unauthorized access into organization and their assets.

5.4 Shared Technology issues/multi-tenancy nature

This is basically based on shared infrastructure, which is not designed to accommodate a multi- tenant architecture.

 5.5 Data Crash

Comprised data may include deleted or altered data without making a backup, unlinking a record from a huge environment, loss of an encoding key and illegal access of sensitive data.

 5.6 Account, Service & Traffic Hijacking

Account or service hijacking is usually carried out with stolen credentials. Such attacks include phishing, fraud and exploitation of software vulnerabilities. Attackers can access critical areas of cloud computing services like confidentiality, integrity and availability of services.

5.7 Unidentified Risk Report

Cloud services means that organizations are less involved with software and hardware, so organizations should not be aware with these issues such as internal security, security compliance, auditing and logging may be overlooked.

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