In the following application motor M1 starts as soon as start push button is pressed and motor M2 starts after 10 seconds.
Rung 1: When START Push button is pressed, the latch B3:0/0 will be set and will remain set till the circuit is break by pressing STOP push button.
Rung 2: When latch B3:0/0 is set, the timer will be enabled. Timer will start to count internal pulses with time base 1 second. The done bit of timer will set after 10 seconds i.e. ACC>=PRE and will remain set till it is reset by RES or if latch is reset.
Rung 3: When latch is set, motor M1 will also set till latch doesn’t reset.
Rung 4: The motor M2 will start when latch=1 and timer done bit is set i.e. after completion of delay 10 seconds.
If STOP push button is pressed both motors and timer will turn off.