Software Engineering | Explain the types of risk.

1. Generic risks are a potential threat to every software project.  

2. Product-specific risks can be identified only by those with a clear understanding of the technology, the people, and the environment.

3. Product size—risks associated with the overall size of the software to be built or modified that is specific to the software that is to be built. 

4. Business impact—risks associated with constraints imposed by management or the marketplace.  

5. Project risks threaten the project plan. That is, if project risks become real, it is likely that the project schedule will slip and that costs will increase.  

6. Technical risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be produced.  

7. Business risks threaten the viability of the software to be built and often jeopardize the project or the product.  

8. Known risks are those that can be uncovered after careful evaluation of the project plan, the business and technical environment in which the project is being developed, and other reliable information sources.  

9. Predictable risks are extrapolated from past project experience of user.  

10. Unpredictable risks are one that they can and do occur, but they are extremely difficult to identify in advance. 

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