Database Management system lab (2018406) As per SBTE Syllabus

Database Management system lab (2018406) As per SBTE Syllabus

1. Know installation of Oracle / MY SQL / MongoDB

2. Exercise on creating tables, Exercise on inserting records, Exercise on updating records.

3. Exercise on modifying the structure of the table

4. Exercise on Select command 

5. Exercise on querying the table using clauses like WHERE, ORDER, IN, AND, OR, NOT

6. Exercise on various group functions 

7. Exercise on Number functions, character functions, conversion functions and date functions.

8. Exercise on set operators

9. Exercise on sub queries.

10. Exercise on Joins.

11. Exercise on various date and number format models. 

12. Exercise on creating tables with integrity constraints.

13. Exercise on Creation and Dropping of Database.

14. Exercise on Creation and Dropping of Collections.

15. Exercise on Commands of MongoDB- Insert, update, find, delete and sorting of Documents.

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