Data structure & Algorithm using 'c' (2018407) as per SBTE bihar 2020-2021 syllabus


Course Objective: Implement relevant algorithms using Data structure. 

Practical Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will understand 

(1) Perform basic operations on array.

(2) Apply different searching and sorting techniques.

(3) Implement basic operations on stack and queue using array representation 


Unit 1: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a SINGLY LINKED LIST. Write functions to insert, delete, and display elements of the list.

Unit 2: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a SINGLY CIRCULAR LINKED LIST.

Unit 3: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a STACK using arrays.

Unit 4: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a STACK using linked lists.

Unit 5: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a QUEUE using arrays.

Unit 6: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a QUEUE using linked lists.

Unit 7: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement a CIRCULAR QUEUE using arrays.

Unit 8: Develop a ‘C’ program to create a BINARY TREE. Write functions to perform the various traversals on the tree.

Unit 9: Develop a ‘C’ program to create a BINARY SEARCH TREE. Write functions to perform the various traversals on the tree.

Unit 10: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement SELECTION SORTING.

Unit 11: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement INSERTION SORTING.

Unit 12: Develop a ‘C’ program to create and implement BUBBLE SORTING.

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